Thursday, October 2, 2008

First Year of Solar!

We just received our PG&E bill showing how much we owe for our one year "true-up" period. The previous year, we paid $2664 for our electric power, or $222 per month. Our first year with solar shows a total electric consumption bill of $186! That's just $15.50 per month! There is an $8.00 monthly connection/net metering/Climate Smart(the latter is optional) fee, but that's still just $23.50 per month. Oh yeah, and I hear there is an environmental reason to go solar as well.

PG&E just raised rates for the higher electric power tiers(those families paying over $150 per month) by 6% today. That means Solar power just got less expensive than yesterday.

I am happy to say that our Solar power system has delivered everything we had hoped for. Everything our Solar power installer promised was true, and now with Solar lease plans, there is no reason why every family shouldn't go Solar! Our only regret is not doing it years ago!