Monday, March 3, 2008

Last Month for Solar Discounts!

We are less than a month away from the end of the Foster City Solar Community Program, the state rebate is going down soon and the solar purchase discount program will be over on March 31 for our city.

We just received our PG&E electric statement, the fourth month of going solar at our house. November through February electric charges have averaged $85 per month, that's down from an average of $222 per month prior to going solar. So, we have saved $137 per month in the worst winter months for sun! I'm really looking forward to the spring and summer months of sun, where we expect to save well over $150 per month, or a total of $2000 a year.....that's every year for the next 40 years or more, and only if electric rates stay the same as today--which of course won't happen. The reality is, we're going to save more and more money every year, this decade, the next decade and the next decade and beyond, because solar panels keep going and going and going, just like the Energizer Bunny makes power!

If you're spending $150 or more per month on electricity, you owe it to yourself, and your family to attend one of the last two free solar seminars, Wednesday, March 5 and Thursday, March 20. What have you got to lose, except our planet?

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